FACET is a unique design challenge to deliver a project proportionate to the financial value of the site, within the context of the current and future river edge skyline and the inherent constraints of a vestige small lot domestic land parcel. The many multi-faceted complex constraints require an imaginative and innovative response. ‘Facet’ will deliver an equally unique residential building, forming split level true ‘Townhouses in the sky’ creating eleven bespoke homes, each complemented by a considered sustainable landscape response.

  • Kangaroo Point is an ancient geological environment with a distinctive cliff face and diverse landscape embedded within the rock crevices. The natural and quarried fluted vertical rock edge provides inspiration for the architectural forms and integrated sustainable vertical gardens. The inherent strength of the triangular fluted forms provides an ideal facade response delivering a dynamic distinctive flexible external envelope. The facets with a variety of translucent materials deliver a private temperate sanctuary, as well as delivering a landmark slender elegant building within the Brisbane skyline.

    Kangaroo Point throughout its history has been defined by the three complementary elements of the River, Cliff and Sky. Over the millennia the three have ever changed, but this relationship his remained intact. ‘Facet’ responds to this unique environ by delivering a building that is informed by and responds to these assets. The podium of ‘Facet’ aligns with the cliff datum and is inspired by the adjacent rock facets. The design response creates a sculptural varied fluted landscape edge complemented by the natural organic rust finish of weathering steel. The tower reflects the ever changing nature of the river and sky and the complementary relationship. The design delivers a striking considered faceted facade with a varied translucent material palette that will ever change in mood, reflecting the connected dynamism of the river and sky.

    Sails are used in the design to form an engaging protective western screen, billowing in the wind, a memory of the regattas along this stretch of river over the past century. Each varied townhouse will deliver an intimate protected flexible lookout overlooking the river and Brisbane skyline beyond. ‘Facet’ is a considered unique response tailored to an equally unique site and environment.