The Emmanuel College Masterplan has been developed through the creative collaboration of Feather & Lawry Design and Aspect Studios (Landscape). It has been formed from an inclusive consultative approach from all the stakeholders as well as direct student consultation. The objective of the Masterplan is to provide a future-focused strategic framework for development on the campus with both short and long term outcomes outlined creating a clear vision for the future of Emmanuel.

  • The Emmanuel Master Plan sets out a vision and a collection of coherent strategies and staged projects, that seek to guide investment and target outcomes to support the values of the college. The vision is to create a place that supports students and encourages a culture that is nurturing and interconnected.

    This Masterplan is a document designed to assist Emmanuel in making decisions that enhance the built and landscape environment. The objective is to create a cohesive and engaging college while allowing !lexibility in the pace, timing and scale of change over the decades to come.